
About Me

Hello there,

Thank you for stopping by my blog and checking out a few facts about me. In case you were wondering, this blog is dedicated for Photography and everything in between, if that makes sense.
I'm not a professional, at least not yet, just a noobie who is trying to learn how to take better photographs one picture at a time. You can expect to see posts about things I've learned, things I've purchased, things I've photographed, and such. This blog is about my journey from where I started to where I am now.

I'm a single mother of three teenagers and living in Wisconsin. I love food, traveling, movies, family time, shopping, makeup, and of course photography. In spite of my love for makeup art and photography, I'm actually not in the industry, but only doing it as a hobby but who knows. Perhaps someday I might quit my day job when I've developed the skills and confidence of the pros. I don't expect it to happen anytime soon though. Right now, this blog is just a platform for me to learn, grow, and get creative. If you share the same interests, feel free to follow, leave a comment, or bookmark my page :)

If you'd like to contact me, you can email me at

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